Thursday, February 2, 2012

From the beginning

Joe and I have both lived in Temecula basically our entire lives, and didn't meet until 2006. (At least that we know of!) We had alot of the same friends throughout the years, but never remember meeting each other until 2006. We instantly hit it off, and have pretty much spent every day of our lives together since the day we met. Everything was so comfortable since the very beginning, and we talked about kids and marriage from very early on in our relationship. We got married only 7 months after we met. Joe was 22 and I was 19 when we got married March 3, 2007.
In April 2007 we bought our first house together. A 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with a pool.

We found out we were expecting our first child In December 2006 when we were living in Fresno, CA. Our daughter was due August 5, 2007 but suprised us all when my water broke 7 weeks early. We spent a few days in the hospital and welcomed our baby girl Gwendalyn on June 21st, 2007- 6 1/2 weeks premature. She spent 7 days in the NICU but was 100% healthy.

Gwendalyn Lilly was born 6/21/07 4lbs 11 oz, 17 inches tall

When Gwen was 3 we decided our family was not yet completed and tried for another baby. We were estatic when we found out we would be having a baby boy. We were about to have the "million dollar family"
We welcomed Cash to the world on October 22nd, 2010. 7 lbs 2 oz, 19 inches tall

In 2011 Joe got his C6 license and started Trimworx Inc.

Joe and I are about to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary on March 3rd. I could have never imagined at 24 years old I would have been married for 5 years, have 2 kids, a home, and own a corporation, but now I can't imagine my life any other way.

Gwen is getting ready to start Kindergarten this year, and she is SO excited! I can't believe how fast our baby girl is growing up. She is already going to be 5 in June!

I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us

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